Cloud Community Europe is a non-profit organization is formed by its local Cloud Community Europe organizations interested in the mission, vision and value proposition of Digital Transormation Europe.
Cloud Community Europe is a pan-European hub, a completely vendor neutral knowledge sharing network between customers and Providers, Start-ups and Research centres. working in the Cloud ecosystem and related digital transformation
Cloud Community Europe maintains a constant open dialogue with all partners to bring IT and business together.
Cloud Community Europe delivers orientation, guidance and best practice, as well as providing support services such as networking and knowledge sharing to cloud customers and providers Europe wide.
Cloud Community Europe assists Providers and Customers with their Digital Transformation and innovation building on European quality values for a global usage.
Cloud Community Europe shall disseminate information about new business models and opportunities especially for SMBs & start-ups and fosters the development of a European Single Digital Market.
Cloud Community Europe builds strong relations with the EU Institutions and through its member organisations with national institutions
The objectives of Cloud Community Europe are:
- To act as spokesman for the Digital Transformation market across Europe.
- To contribute to the development of technical standards.
- To provide services in the common interest of the Members of the Association.
- To support a multi-stakeholder approach in the regulatory process of Digital Transformation.
- Share best practices in the Digital Transformation Process.
- To actively promote networking within the ecosystem.